
The U.S. policy toward Libya affirms the order established by the Second World War to judge by the April 22, 2011 article in the Wall Street Journal entitled “U.S. Launches Drone Strikes in Libya”.

Germany and England were fighting to a virtual stalemate before America entered the war on the side of Great Britain in December of 1941, tipping the balance. The first time Colonel Gadhafi attacked Benghazi last month, France and England flew sorties and pulverized armored columns until Gadhafi got wise to their tactics and hid his tanks inside cities in civilian areas. Then neither Great Britain nor France could find them.

Just as in World War II Europe can’t do without our aid. So the U.S. has authorized predator strikes. Each drone carries two Hellfire Missiles that can be aimed more precisely than anything that the British and French have.

This by itself is reminiscent of the end of World War II and the invention of Fat Man, the first atomic bomb. Americans always have more gadgets than anybody else.


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