Refugees from Libya are crowding into Italy and then migrating to France according to an article in the April 27, 2011 issue of the Wall Street Journal, “France, Italy Seek Tighter Borders.” The French have started to set up check points along their border, violating European Union rules about free movement of peoples from one country to the next. Does that sound familiar?

During the late thirties and World War II other refugees fled, particularly the Jews. Many of them took refuge in Italy and then couldn’t go anywhere else. No one wanted them.

Rome is attempting to issue documents for the Libyan refugees so they can cross the French border. They are protesting the French actions. If an unexpected world event such as the Arab Spring that has brought revolution to the Arab world in 2011 caused an even bigger tumult along with a tidal wave of humans fleeing from one country to another it could showcase the fragile European Union.

Germany wants the EU to be about the euro and money. But it’s leaving out the political part. It can no longer be ignored.


Libyan refugees

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