Tuesday, June 19, ’12: Why Can’t I Find McDonalds In Texas?

Today as we drove from Midland to Abilene, Texas we looked for McDonalds Restaurants in vain. True, there was one at Big Spring — three miles from the highway. We didn’t want to have to drive through town to eat. It wastes too much time. And I didn’t see a single McDonalds until we arrived at Abilene. Even then because of the crazy road system I couldn’t reach it on the other side of the road. But I had no trouble finding Stripes convenience stores that seemed to occupy the first spot coming off the highway where I thought McDonalds should be. I said no thanks. Yesterday in Pecos I had to take out lunch from one of those stores I’d never heard of before. I also didn’t have trouble finding antiquated Dairy Queens and 50’s diners.

It’s very simple what I want and I can’t find it often enough in Texas — a McDonalds.