Want a free audiobook just in time for the Christmas three weeks from tomorrow? The December Edward Ware Thrillers Newsletter, due out in about a week, will tell you how to get one. Want to read an historical thriller but don’t have the time due to work, kids, dishes, chores, previous commitments? What you need is an audiobook. Try listening while you are driving home from work or to work. Listen while you are making dinner or doing dishes, perhaps even while taking a shower. Cheops Books LLC has free copies of either Captive at the Berghof: Part 1 and Captive at the Berghof: Part 2, the World War 2 thrillers, or Dark Horse, the 1940 election suspense thriller. Again, the upcoming newsletter will tell you how to proceed.
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captive at the berghof part 1 paperback cover Captive at the Berghof: Part 1 Paperback Edition

