Malcolm Blair Robinson of England has also written a novel about the World War 2 time period and the lead up to it. Check out Hitler’s First Lady on today. It is the story of a young lady who gets mixed up with the Nazis early in life to the point that she actually marries the Nazi Gauleiter of Hamburg and ends up in Hitler’s inner circle. But she sorts it all out later when she finally marries a Brit and moves to Britain in time for the Second World War. There she uses her old connections to the advantage of her new country. Suspenseful tale.
Malcolm will be attending the event on May 1 to kick off the publication of the novel the Salisbury Plot by Dora Benley. If you want to meet him, sign up for the Facebook Party today. Malcolm has also written other books available on Amazon such as Dynamic Quantitative Easing: An Idea for Growth, Downfall in Downing Street, The Judas Cross: Murder, Sex, and Dark Secrets, the Purple Killing, and Two Spooky Mysteries: A Gift of Treason and Stanislaw’s Crossing.