Helga And Her German Band In Alaska:

At the end of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest as depicted in the Cheops Books LLC historical thriller, Caesar’s Lost Legions, Arminius was triumphant. But his triumph lasted only five short years. Germanicus was back in 14AD to get his revenge.

Arminius and a small band of loyal followed took ship up the Elbe River and kept on going, putting out word that Arminius was dead so no one would try to follow him. The Viking-like warriors rowed from the North Sea upward to the Norwegian Sea, and onward to the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea on a seemingly endless journey to the East Siberian Sea and finally across the Bering Strait until they reached Alaska. They were not Eskimos and kept themselves and their little band apart in a secret enclave that was to stretch through the generations as the Alaska Germans kept to themselves.

Later in the nineteenth century the band of long-surviving Germans, exiles from Europe and civilization itself, were joined by another self-imposed exile, the Frankenstein monster escaped from Europe and Germany itself and followed to Alaska by his creator, Dr. Frankenstein.

So where would the villainess of the Edward Ware Thriller Series naturally decide to flee to after the Second War World left her a war criminal? Naturally she also fled to Alaska and joined Arminius and his band and Frankenstein and his monster. Dr. Frankenstein had the arts and sciences needed to beautify the scuffs and scratches that Helga had endured from her last conflict in the desert near Los Alamos, New Mexico with General Sir Edward Ware. She once again became an ageless beauty who could snare and lure people to their deaths.

So Helga and her band of German warriors and monster lay in wait for General Lord Edward Ware and his wife, Dora, Lady Ware, if they ever dared to come near the magical, nefarious world of the Land of the Midnight Sun.
