Watch Webcam While Waiting for Book Cover:

We here at Cheops Books LLC have recently mentioned that the cover of Old Faithful Plot by Dora Benley, yet to be released, is “under construction”. It is being redesigned. While you wait to see what it will be like, you can feast your eyes on the Old Faithful webcam instead. It is provided gratis of the National Park Service. In the meantime you can check in to see what the geyser itself it up to right now covered in snow surrounded by an extremely white landscape.

While they are hiding out from Dora’s husband at the Old Faithful Lodge in 1933, Dora and Edward are also hiding Lawrence maps that Churchill has given them and which Hitler would do anything to get his hands on. Enter Helga and Herr von Wessel, Hitler’s top spies. They warn Colonel Sir Edward Ware and Dora that either they hand over the top secret maps, key to world domination, or they will blow up Yellowstone National Park. They will turn the famous geyser basin into volcanic rubble – and the rest of America, too, which would be buried in volcanic ash just like Pompeii. And if that doesn’t work they have an even darker plot up their sleeves, one that would change history itself.