Tag Second Punic War

Cato Wants To Adopt Gaius Antonius

Cato Wants To Adopt Gaius Antonius As His Son And Heir: After the Senate declared war on Carthage, Cato summoned Gaius Antonius back to his house on Palatine Hill. As his niece and social hostess, Lavinia met Gaius at the… Continue Reading →

Cannae Rises Like A Specter At Midnight

Cannae Rises Like A Specter At Midnight: Cato had planned the banquet for the senators well. His own grape vintage flowed copiously. The servants poured into the banquet hall serving game fowl and pork roast along with a selection of… Continue Reading →

Gaius Antonius Goes To Palma, Mallorca

Gaius Antonius Goes To Palma, Mallorca: A couple of days later Gaius Antonius’s ship landed in the harbor of Palma, Mallorca in the Baleric Islands halfway across the Mediterranean Sea on the way back to Ostia and Rome. Gaius Antonius… Continue Reading →

Gaius Takes The Drawing Back To Rome

Gaius Takes The Drawing Back To Rome: Right in front of Gaius Antonius’s eyes was an elaborate, detailed drawing of the latest Carthaginian warship which had obviously been constructed since the last war. Its giant wooden hull was massive and… Continue Reading →

Gaius Antonius Returns To The New Carthage Sea Wall

Gaius Antonius Returns To The New Carthage Sea Wall: Gaius Antonius had to find out where the New Carthage sea wall guards were housed. On the way back to his lodgings, he asked a few passersby. He had no choice… Continue Reading →

Gaius Antonius’s Ship Heads to New Carthage

Gaius Antonius’s Ship Heads to New Carthage: After all the good-byes and farewells at the dock, Gaius stood on the deck next to the crew as the ship headed out into the Mediterranean. He waved good-bye and wondered if he… Continue Reading →

Senate: The War Against The Samnites Must End

Senate: The War Against The Samnites Must End: Cato sent the first Senate decree to the Carthaginians to end the war against the Samnites. He wanted them to receive the messenger and see that the Senate was resolved to prevent… Continue Reading →

Carthago Delenda Est: Carthage Must Be Destroyed

Carthago Delenda Est: Carthage Must Be Destroyed Gaius Antonius fancies that he has a future career as an architect. He spend his days drawing and sketching buildings in Republican Rome of the second century B.C. Rome is growing, dominating Italy… Continue Reading →

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