Dora Benley, of course, is the heiress from Pittsburgh who sails to England on the Lusitania to marry Colonel Sir Edward Ware and who becomes the heroine of the series. Talk about isolated facts buried somewhere deep in the Edward Ware Thriller Series — Did you know that September was Dora Benley’s birthday month? She was born on September 30, 1895. She was only twenty when she sailed on the Lusitania in 1915. She was forty the year that Thomasina was born in 1935. In addition September is also the month that she was married to Colonel Sir Edward Ware on the same day as her birthday, September 30, 1934 when she was thirty-nine years old. Small detail though it might be it is significant especially since this year on September 30, on Dora’s birthday, Cheops Books intends to present her with a gift. What gift? Find out on September 30. If you have suggestions use the contact form on our website.

High society girl with umbrella

High society girl with umbrella
