When I first went to undergraduate school I was an archaeology major at Bryn Mawr, which is a women’s college in the Philadelphia suburbs. I had wild ideas of being a classical archaeologist of all things and took Baby Greek, Archaeology 101, Near Eastern History, Greek 2, etc but I never got past my sophomore year pursuing this major. I discovered that I wasn’t a linguist. The professors said you had to be good at classical languages in addition to French and German. I also discovered that I was much better at being an English major. But what I took away from the experience was the background that later inspired me to write a novel about the Trojan War from the point of view of Helen called To Follow the Goddess. More recently I have written The Cleopatra Caper. Right now I am working on a novel about the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest that took place in 9AD outside modern day Osnabruck in Germany. I visited the battle site last summer and took lots of photos. So anything to do with writers and archaeology is right up my alley.