In Dark Horse the reader is invited to spend an afternoon and an evening with the Benleys at their West Coast compound right next to the Hotel del Coronado, or the Del, on the Silver Strand Beach. Dora and Edward arrive their with Churchill in tow after escaping from England in this alternative history thriller taking place during the summer of 1940. Mr. Benley is hosting his America First friends whom he funds. They want to let Europe be Europe and America be America, and never the twain shall meet. World War 2 has started over there, but Mr. Benley and his friends want no part of it despite the sudden appearance of his daughter, her husband, and the former PM of Great Britain who has been ousted by Hitler. Mr. Benley manages to hold firm during dinner where he serves salads grown in his own gardens beach side, but what happens after that? Come to dinner and find out yourself in Dark Horse, coming from Cheops Books, LLC on November 8.

Dark Horse
