Most Famous Painting In All the World Comes Alive For The Reader:

Just before World War 1 in August of 1911 the Mona Lisa was stolen by Vincenzo Peruggia. Generations later his grandson is trying to return the most famous painting in all the world to the Louvre. But it doesn’t turn out to be as easy as he first thought. The director Pierre Savard has other ideas. He doesn’t want the tourists to find out that the museum has been displaying a fake for years. The hero, Joey Peruggia, is in a fight for his life and his girlfriend’s too. You find yourself turning the pages of Mona Lisa’s Secret to discover how the riveting story will turn out in the end. In addition the author, Phil Philips from Sydney, Australia, entertains you with interesting tidbits of information about Paris and about the painting that motivates such deeds of daring.

Mona Lisa's Secret
