On October 19 Cheops Books LLC will hold the third and final debate between Wendell Wilkie and FDR before the election on November 8. It will be held in Las Vegas. You can follow it on the Cheops Books Events Page following the link here. It will start at 6PM and end no later than 9PM. The moderator will ask the questions. The audience can also suggest questions and make posts.
As you can see by the picture for the debate, we will be concentrating on all things Hitler. He was the biggest issue facing the United States in 1940. Britain was already at war. For the purposes of this debate, we assume the alternative history thriller premise of the novel Dark Horse — Hitler had pushed Churchill out of Britain and made him flee to the United States with the British Navy. Roosevelt and Wilkie will tell you what they intend to do about the specter of Hitler visiting the country.

Hitler in Paris


