Category Holidays

Armistice Plot To Appear At ALA

Armistice Plot To Appear At ALA: Cheops Books LLC will be represented at the ALA Conference in New Orleans in late June by Armistice Plot. The historical thriller by Dora Benley, the eighth in the Edward Ware Thrillers at War… Continue Reading →

Two Thrillers By Dora Benley

Two Thrillers By Dora Benley: Here we have two very different novels, both by Dora Benley and both set in Yellowstone. One is a YA mystery. The other is an adult thriller. One called Silver Wolf Moon was entered in… Continue Reading →

Yellowstone Article Like Old Faithful Plot

Yellowstone Article Like Old Faithful Plot: Today there is an article on weather.com about Yellowstone the Supervolcano. It is called Yellowstone Caldera: Next Eruption Could Be A Major Disaster. The article suggests that the park and scientists should start monkeying… Continue Reading →

Giveaway Widget Appears On Old Faithful Plot Website

Giveaway Widget Appears On The Old Faithful Plot Website: In the case of Yellowstone no white man had ever lived there before when Lewis and Clark heard about it on their expedition West. In fact, it was a superstitious place… Continue Reading →

Bronze Age Sheep Straight From Caelius’s Estate Outside Londinium:

Bronze Age Sheep Straight From Caelius’s Estate Outside Londinium: Caelius Antonius, the hero of the upcoming historical thriller by Dora Benley Caesar’s Lost Legions, might have had a sheep like this in ancient Britain. It is wandering around a Bronze… Continue Reading →

Giveaway For Old Faithful Plot Starts May 17:

Giveaway For Old Faithful Plot Starts May 17: The Goodreads Giveaway for Old Faithful Plot by Dora Benley starts on May 17 and continues for 30 days until the date of publication, June 16. On June 16 copies will be… Continue Reading →

Carthage Must Be Destroyed In Color

Carthage Must Be Destroyed In Color: Daniel Teran has finished the book cover for Carthage Must Be Destroyed —- in color. Cato stands in the Roman Senate addressing the populace. Cato is soon to be a major character in the… Continue Reading →

Trump Acts On Roman Scale Against Syria

Trump Acts On Roman Scale Against Syria: It would be totally impractical to consult Parliament or Congress about the Syria strikes. First of all they have to be secret. They can’t be discussed in a public session of Congress or… Continue Reading →

Unlocking Trinity: A Lesson In The Third Reich

Unlocking Trinity: A Lesson In The Third Reich: I refused to watch the movie Downfall. I had somebody watch it for me ahead of time. They summarized it. It was a bunch of tripe compared to the memoirs, a Hollywood… Continue Reading →

Facebook Party For Salisbury Affair:

Facebook Party For Salisbury Affair: Dora and Edward Ware were married at Salisbury Cathedral on September 30, 1934. The cathedral was a stone’s throw away from Edward’s ancestral estate, Ware Hall, which had been in his family since Roman times…. Continue Reading →

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