Category Holidays

See You In Denver? RWA Convention 2018:

See You In Denver? RWA Convention 2018: RWA, or Romance Writers of America, are holding their 2018 convention in Denver in July. In fact the exact dates are July 18-21 at the Denver Sheraton Downtown near the pedestrian mall. The… Continue Reading →

Another Edward Ware Thrillers Plot

Another Edward Ware Thrillers Plot: How about this one? If you were pursuing it nowadays you would start in London and take the Eurostar through the Chunnel to Paris. Back in Edward’s and Dora’s time you would have to take… Continue Reading →

Still Another Travel Plot Scenario

Still Another Travel Plot Scenario: While we are discussing possible travel plots for future Edward Ware Thrillers at War novels, add this one to the group: You start at Tucson, Arizona and drive east to Las Cruces on 1-10. You… Continue Reading →

Come To The Facebook Party For Julia: A Romance

Come To The Facebook Party For Julia: A Romance: Starting at 2PM on the afternoon of Monday, April 8 you are cordially invited to the Facebook Party to celebrate the publication of the romantic historic thriller, Julia: A Romance by… Continue Reading →

Should Dora And Edward Hurry Off To The Tetons?

Should Dora And Edward Hike Off To The Tetons? No, you would not hike here in Tucson in the summer, probably not even on Mt. Lemmon. But I’m not totally sure about that one. Considering that the elevation is 9… Continue Reading →

On The Road Again: Observations by Cheops Books

On The Road Again: Observations By Cheops Books When Cheops Books looks to be on the road again this summer researching locales for novels, it seems to meet with a more hostile environment than before. Disney may have started a… Continue Reading →

Julia: A Romance Goodreads Giveaway

Julia: A Romance Goodreads Giveaway: Enter the Goodreads Giveaway contest to win 1 of 100 free copies of the Amazon Kindle version of Dora Benley’s Julia: A Romance. A new edition of Dora Benley’s historical thriller set in the 80’s… Continue Reading →

Cheops Books Offers Lots Of Roman Novels

Cheops Books Offers Lots Of Roman Novels: Historical novels like just about everything else started in ancient Rome with the publication of a series of Greek Hellenistic novels of the romantic sort. So in tribute to the people of the… Continue Reading →

Horus The Abyssinian In Julia: A Romance

Horus The Abyssinian In Julia: A Romance: Of all the things to look forward to reading about in Julia: A Romance not the least is the episode about the Abyssinian cat named Horus. Marcus Sisenna’s daughters own a pet cat… Continue Reading →

Goodreads Giveaway Starts One Week From Today

Goodreads Giveaway Starts One Week From Today: One week from today on Tuesday, January 9, Goodreads and Amazon roll out their new system for Goodreads Giveaway Promotions. Cheops Books LLC will be enrolling the Dora Benley historical thriller entitled Book… Continue Reading →

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