Category Holidays

Helga Takes Edward Captive in Denali

Helga Takes Edward Captive in Denali: “You do have Lady Ware in your custody, don’t you?” Helga prompted the monster. The creature nodded and answered in some sort of incomprehensible brogue that sounded like a combination of very bad Russian… Continue Reading →

Ancient Roman Saturnalia In Dora Benley Novels

Ancient Roman Saturnalia in Dora Benley Novels: The Saturnalia was the ancient Roman Christmas and New Year’s season. It was held in honor of the god Saturn from December 17 to December 23 as marked by the Julian calendar. He… Continue Reading →

Happy Halloween From Dark 1

Happy Halloween From Dark 1: Tomorrow November 1 Dark 1 by Dora Benley will be published by Cheops Books LLC. You will find it on Kindle for only $5.95 if you can stand all the thrills and chills. Bianca goes… Continue Reading →

Dark 2 And Point Horror Halloween

Dark 2 and Point Horror Halloween: Dark 2 was still another Scholastic Point Horror young adult thriller published in their line as a Point Horror Halloween special. It is now brought to you in time for Halloween by Cheops Books… Continue Reading →

Halloween and Dark 1:

Halloween and Dark 1: If you you still thinking all those spooky thoughts, go no farther than Dark 1 by Dora Benley, pen name of Linda Cargill. It is perfect for Halloween and things that go bump in the night…. Continue Reading →

Point Horror and Pool Party

Point Horror and Pool Party: Another Scholastic Point Horror tale by Linda Cargill is Pool Party, published originally as part of the line. It is just perfect for Halloween. Sharon’s party should have been perfect. The event of the year…. Continue Reading →

Point Horror: The Surfer and Pool Party

Point Horror: The Surfer and Pool Party As Halloween gets nearer and nearer, we think not only of Horror Week on Goodreads but of the old Scholastic Point Horror Line and its wonderfully scary books for teenagers and adults who… Continue Reading →

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