Tag alternative history thrillers

2 Alternative History Thrillers By Cheops Books:

2 Alternative History Thrillers By Cheops Books: In an age of fantasy, alternative history thrillers loom large. Cheops Books LLC has published two of them, Old Faithful Affair and Dark Horse. Hitler threatens Colonel Ware that if he doesn’t hand… Continue Reading →

New Book Cover For Old Faithful Plot

New Book Cover For Old Faithful Plot: Here we have the new book cover for Old Faithful Plot by Dora Benley published by Cheops Books LLC. It is being unveiled on our website for the very first time. We hope… Continue Reading →

Dark Dream Sequence In Old Faithful Plot Features Pompeii

Dark Dream Sequence In Old Faithful Plot Features Pompeii: What on earth do Yellowstone National Park and Pompeii have in common? One is out West in America at 8000 feet above sea level surrounded by the Rocky Mountains and the… Continue Reading →

Britain and USA Join Together: Trump and May

Malcolm Blair Robinson has written a wonderful blog today summing up the Trump experience this past weekend with the inauguration and the new move to meet with the new PM, May, this coming week. We have the next move toward… Continue Reading →

Edward Ware, the Male Chauvinist Pig

Today all around the world the day after the Inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, there were supposedly protest marches. What were they protesting? Apparently Trump’s perceived male chauvinism. But Old Faithful Plot and other titles in the Edward… Continue Reading →

1933: Era of Rhetoricians

1933, the year of the Old Faithful Plot, the alternative history thriller soon to be published by Cheops Books, LLC, was the year of three great rhetoricians in politics: FDR, Adolf Hitler, and Winston Churchill. In 1933 Adolf Hitler became… Continue Reading →

Dora And Fay Wray from King Kong

Fay Wray was the female lead in the 1933 movie King Kong. She was the lady that the monster ape took a liking to when he first set eyes on her on the island where he was king. She was… Continue Reading →

Yellowstone Is Coming

You may or may not have visited Yellowstone National Park. You may not even know that it is located in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. But that big, original western national park may be in your face one of these days… Continue Reading →

Old Faithful Plot Can Erupt On Your Desktop

The Old Faithful Plot ends at the Old Faithful Geyser and Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park. The geyser and its regular eruptions are part of the climactic scene of the alternative history thriller novel. It’s enough to give you… Continue Reading →

Horrible Lizard Makes Surprise Appearance

There are only two types of poisonous lizards in North America, the Mexican beaded lizard and the Gila Monster. Both are found in the Southwest Desert, and one makes an appearance in Old Faithful Plot. The novel takes place in… Continue Reading →

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