Tag Battle of the Teutoburg Forest

Debate Questions For Old Faithful Affair:

Debate Questions For Old Faithful Affair: Here is the substance of the debate that took place today at 10AM. Want to see the fascinating photos? Go to the website at https://edwardwarethrillers.org. Click on Old Faithful Affair Debate. 1)How likely is… Continue Reading →

Did Edward Ware’s Ancestor Fight In The Punic Wars?

Did Edward Ware’s Ancestor Fight In The Punic Wars? Colonel Sir Edward Ware is known to have quite a pedigree, at least as long as the Queen’s. He can trace his ancestry back to ancient Rome. His ancestor, Lucius Antonius,… Continue Reading →

Helga And Her German Band In Alaska

Helga And Her German Band In Alaska: At the end of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest as depicted in the Cheops Books LLC historical thriller, Caesar’s Lost Legions, Arminius was triumphant. But his triumph lasted only five short years…. Continue Reading →

Catalonia, The Roman Empire, And A Novel

Catalonia, The Roman Empire, and a Novel: I am glad to hear that the effort is doomed to fail. I am glad that the US, EU, UK, France, and Germany all agree that they will not recognize a separate Catalonia…. Continue Reading →

The German Question In Literature

The German Question In Literature: You may have hit upon a very central conflict in European history. Germany was not largely occupied by the Romans and from the time of the Romans you have the “German question”. The Romans wrote… Continue Reading →

Why The Merkel Election Isn’t Like Trump

Why The Merkel Election Isn’t Like Trump’s: In the US when you get Trump elected President the election means Isolationism. Americans want to pull back from being involved in lots of international affairs. They want to cut back on immigration… Continue Reading →

Pliny: A Novel Has A New Cover

Pliny: A Novel Has A New Cover: In Pliny: A Novel the grandson of the hero of Augustus: A Novel, Caius Antonius — who is also an ancestor of the hero of the Edward Ware Thriller Series, Colonel Sir Edward… Continue Reading →

Merkel Fiddles While Hamburg Burns

Merkel Fiddles While Hamburg Burns: Here is one of my photos of the concert hall in Hafen City in Hamburg in the Harbor Area on the Elbe River surrounded by photos of rioters. This is where Trump and Melania Trump… Continue Reading →

Novel With Pictures?

Novel With Pictures?: All about the Vesuvius Plot, one of two Roman thrillers, to be Published Net Year Cheops Books LLC and its imprint Edward Ware Thrillers at War will publish Vesuvius Plot next year, the second novel in a… Continue Reading →

Long Shadows Of The Teutoburg Forest

The history of Europe even nowadays has been molded by that long ago Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9AD. As you say the Germans are in charge of the EU and especially its currency. The euro is the devalued… Continue Reading →

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