New Book Trailer for Old Faithful Plot: Old Faithful Plot, an Edward Ware Thrillers at War novel, has a new book trailer on the Cheops Books LLC website: Go to the home page, click on Old Faithful Plot, and… Continue Reading →
Dark Dream Sequence In Old Faithful Plot Features Pompeii: What on earth do Yellowstone National Park and Pompeii have in common? One is out West in America at 8000 feet above sea level surrounded by the Rocky Mountains and the… Continue Reading →
Winston Churchill Makes Debut In Book Trailer for Hitler’s Agent: Since so much of the subject matter of the Edward Ware Thrillers at War novels has to do with World War 1 and World War 2, we decided to give… Continue Reading →
Lucius Antonius: Ancestor of Colonel Sir Edward Ware Lucius Antonius was the original ancestor of Colonel Sir Edward Ware in the Edward Ware Thrillers at War Series. Born in ancient Rome in the first century B.C. he was an officer… Continue Reading →
What Do The Scythians Have To Do With Edward Ware Thrillers? This morning the British Museum announced a new major exhibition sponsored by British Petroleum and the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. It concerns the ancient Scythians and is… Continue Reading →
Yellowstone the SuperVolcano Stars In Old Faithful Plot: There are only three supervolcanoes in the world, and Yellowstone is one of them. The geysers in the park have been erupting more frequently than usual. There have been earthquake tremors all… Continue Reading →
Salisbury Plot will soon be available as an audio book on Audible Cheops Books, LLC has hired a recording artist to tell Dora’s story first as Mrs. Byrne on the sinking Morro Castle and then as Lady Ware married to… Continue Reading →
Hitler’s Agent To Go To The ALA: See It At The IBPA Exhibit: From June 23 to June 26 Hitler’s Agent will be traveling to Chicago for the ALA American Library Association Convention. The paperback version will be on display… Continue Reading →
Hope you enjoyed the selection of blog posts about the upcoming historical thriller title Wall Street Swastika about the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and its effect on Hitler and his Nazi Movement in Germany. How do Colonel Sir… Continue Reading →
Chapter 22: Wall Street Swastika: Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner “My word!” the art director exclaimed. “What the times are coming to!” he shook his head as he continued forward up the stairs towards Dora’s cabin. “First you have the… Continue Reading →
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