Tag Forum

The Carthaginians Say No To Cato

The Carthaginians Say No To Cato: Cato and the rest of the senators poured into the Senate House in the Forum early the next day to send their decree to the Carthaginians. They were anxious to send their final demands… Continue Reading →

Gaius Plans A Trip To Carthago Nova

Gaius Plans A Trip To Carthago Nova: Gaius rode back to the Senate House in the Forum after his vain attempt to follow the escaping Carthaginian hostages who had revealed what they were up to in Carthago Nova. He had… Continue Reading →

Cato Calls Upon Carthage To Make Peace With The Samnites

Cato Calls Upon Carthage To Make Peace With The Samnites: The next day Cato packed up his household and transported it back to his city house in Rome. He left the hostages in place at his country estate under full… Continue Reading →

Cato Sends Gaius To Carthage To Make Drawings

Cato Sends Gaius to Carthage To Make Drawings: Gaius Antonius sat there in amazement as the senators crowded around Cato at the conclusion of the Senate session. They were all gossipping about the last war and all their family memories… Continue Reading →

Julia Visits The Forum In Julia: A Romance

Julia Visits The Forum in Julia: A Romance: One of the most perennial Roman monuments associated with the days of the Republic and Empire was the Roman Forum, or Forum Romanum in Latin. It was located in the valley between… Continue Reading →

Ancient Roman Saturnalia In Dora Benley Novels

Ancient Roman Saturnalia in Dora Benley Novels: The Saturnalia was the ancient Roman Christmas and New Year’s season. It was held in honor of the god Saturn from December 17 to December 23 as marked by the Julian calendar. He… Continue Reading →

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