Dora, Edward, and Churchill Come Up With Crazy Plot: How about this one for an Edward Ware Thrillers at War plot? Edward and Dora have to leave England suddenly upon word from Churchill. They are being followed by Hitler’s top… Continue Reading →
Did Edward Ware’s Ancestor Fight In The Punic Wars? Colonel Sir Edward Ware is known to have quite a pedigree, at least as long as the Queen’s. He can trace his ancestry back to ancient Rome. His ancestor, Lucius Antonius,… Continue Reading →
Dora And Edward Should Book A Mediterranean Cruise in 2018: One year from today on Friday, June 8, 2018 the Queen Victoria sets out on a 14-night Mediterranean cruise that should interest Dora and Edward Ware with all their connections… Continue Reading →
Gunboat Diplomacy: Franco and Gibraltar Here is your answer to a lot of things. This may even answer what my aunt remembered about Franco in 1972. I get the chills when I hear in the news that Spain sent a… Continue Reading →
Infanta Christina and Edward Ware: Apparently a Spanish patrol vessel, the Infanta Christina, has been accused of trespassing in Gibraltar’s waters. This was just one day after Madrid called on Britain to “calm down” about rising tensions concerning the future… Continue Reading →
Tariq Ibn Ziyad: The History of the Pillars of Hercules Originally captured in 711 AD and fortified by Tariq Ibn Ziyad, the Moorish invader of Spain, Gibraltar didn’t belong to Spain again until 1462. (Before that it must have been… Continue Reading →
Gibraltar Through The Ages: Gary says that there is a cartoon in the UK Telegraph today about the Gibraltar stand off. It has May dressed like like Elizabeth 1 in a pose that is positively regal. The title of the… Continue Reading →
First Spanish War Since Napoleon: Gary wonders if there is going to be another war with a Spanish speaking entity, this time about Gibraltar instead of the Falklands. He is quoting some British Admiral named Rear Admiral Chris Parry. He… Continue Reading →
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