Brand New Book Cover For Julia: A Romance: Just in from the cover artist we have the new cover for the historical romantic thriller, Julia: A Romance, now up for grabs on Goodreads Giveaway and to be published on Monday,… Continue Reading →
Publication Dates For Novels In 2018: Cheops Books LLC has come up with a rough outline of when various historical thrillers and historical romantic thrillers by Dora Benley will be released this year, 2018. First of all, on April 9… Continue Reading →
Goodreads Ad For Julia: A Romance: Come see the ad for Julia: A Romance on Goodreads. It complements the giveaway now going on to win 1 of 100 free copies of the Kindle edition of the historical romantic thriller by… Continue Reading →
Julia: A Romance: Goodreads Giveaway Opens Today: Today the Goodreads Giveaway began for the Dora Benley historical romantic thriller Julia: A Romance. The giveaway will continue from today until Monday, April 9 when the prizes will be awarded. 51 people… Continue Reading →
Julia: A Romance Giveaway Starts In One Week: Enter the giveaway contest to win 1 of 100 free copies of the Kindle edition of Julia: A Romance by Dora Benley, an historical romantic thriller. Julia finds herself immersed in a… Continue Reading →
Julia: A Romance Goodreads Giveaway: Enter the Goodreads Giveaway contest to win 1 of 100 free copies of the Amazon Kindle version of Dora Benley’s Julia: A Romance. A new edition of Dora Benley’s historical thriller set in the 80’s… Continue Reading →
Goodreads Giveaway Starts One Week From Today: One week from today on Tuesday, January 9, Goodreads and Amazon roll out their new system for Goodreads Giveaway Promotions. Cheops Books LLC will be enrolling the Dora Benley historical thriller entitled Book… Continue Reading →
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