Tag historical romantic thrillers

Pre-Order Julia: A Romance On Amazon

Pre-Order Julia: A Romance On Amazon: All spiffed up with a brand new cover, Julia: A Romance is ready to pre-order. Get your copy on publication date April 9. Julia has every reason to wish that she had not been… Continue Reading →

Publication Dates For Novels in 2018:

Publication Dates For Novels In 2018: Cheops Books LLC has come up with a rough outline of when various historical thrillers and historical romantic thrillers by Dora Benley will be released this year, 2018. First of all, on April 9… Continue Reading →

Julia: A Romance: Goodreads Giveaway Opens Today

Julia: A Romance: Goodreads Giveaway Opens Today: Today the Goodreads Giveaway began for the Dora Benley historical romantic thriller Julia: A Romance. The giveaway will continue from today until Monday, April 9 when the prizes will be awarded. 51 people… Continue Reading →

New Book Cover For Julia: A Romance

New Book Cover For Julia: A Romance: Julia is rushing down the hallway of Marcus Sisenna’s mansion in republican Rome of about 85 BC. The hallway is filled with Greek statues of the classical time period lining the walls on… Continue Reading →

Julia Visits The Forum In Julia: A Romance

Julia Visits The Forum in Julia: A Romance: One of the most perennial Roman monuments associated with the days of the Republic and Empire was the Roman Forum, or Forum Romanum in Latin. It was located in the valley between… Continue Reading →

Greece Plays A Role In Julia: A Romance

Greece Plays A Role In Julia: A Romance: Sulla conquered Athens in 87 and 86BC. A stream of slaves was sent to Rome to fill the houses of the patricians with tutors, governesses, and secretaries. For the Greeks were known… Continue Reading →

Ancient Roman Saturnalia In Dora Benley Novels

Ancient Roman Saturnalia in Dora Benley Novels: The Saturnalia was the ancient Roman Christmas and New Year’s season. It was held in honor of the god Saturn from December 17 to December 23 as marked by the Julian calendar. He… Continue Reading →

Roman Banquet In Classical Times

The Roman Banquet In Classical Times: The second day of the Roman wedding was often a Roman banquet or reception for the guests which meant feasting. What did the Romans eat? You might be likely to find them gathered on… Continue Reading →

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