Knossos And Julia: A Romance: When Julia marries Marcus Sisenna through an arranged marriage that her father, Senator Rufus, brokered, she had no idea about all the new experiences and responsibilities that she is taking on. She goes from being… Continue Reading →
The Carthaginian City of Nora: In Julia: A Romance the heroine encounters various challenges from different sources. One of the biggest challenges comes from her future husband’s position in the empire and his travels. He insists that she learn Greek… Continue Reading →
Greece Plays A Role In Julia: A Romance: Sulla conquered Athens in 87 and 86BC. A stream of slaves was sent to Rome to fill the houses of the patricians with tutors, governesses, and secretaries. For the Greeks were known… Continue Reading →
Ancient Roman Saturnalia in Dora Benley Novels: The Saturnalia was the ancient Roman Christmas and New Year’s season. It was held in honor of the god Saturn from December 17 to December 23 as marked by the Julian calendar. He… Continue Reading →
The Roman Banquet In Classical Times: The second day of the Roman wedding was often a Roman banquet or reception for the guests which meant feasting. What did the Romans eat? You might be likely to find them gathered on… Continue Reading →
Preparations For A Roman Wedding: The bride wore a white woolen dress with a translucent flame yellow veil very much like a Vestal Virgin to show off her virginity. A young boy relative would light the torch of Ceres to… Continue Reading →
A Whole New Ending Julia: A Romance Dora Benley is busy at work writing a whole new ending for the popular historical romance novel, Julia: A Novel. It is almost like a series. Did you like the first ending? You… Continue Reading →
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