Tag Sulla

Knossos And Julia: A Romance

Knossos And Julia: A Romance: When Julia marries Marcus Sisenna through an arranged marriage that her father, Senator Rufus, brokered, she had no idea about all the new experiences and responsibilities that she is taking on. She goes from being… Continue Reading →

The Carthaginian City Of Nora

The Carthaginian City of Nora: In Julia: A Romance the heroine encounters various challenges from different sources. One of the biggest challenges comes from her future husband’s position in the empire and his travels. He insists that she learn Greek… Continue Reading →

Greece Plays A Role In Julia: A Romance

Greece Plays A Role In Julia: A Romance: Sulla conquered Athens in 87 and 86BC. A stream of slaves was sent to Rome to fill the houses of the patricians with tutors, governesses, and secretaries. For the Greeks were known… Continue Reading →

Julia: A Novel Special Free Promotion Today

Julia: A Novel Special Free Promotion Today: Get your free copy of Julia: A Novel on Amazon Kindle today and for the next five days through the weekend. But hurry! This offer won’t be repeated this year. Julia has every… Continue Reading →

Julia: A Novel by Dora Benley

Julia: A Novel by Dora Benley: Julia: A Novel, another ancient thriller by Dora Benley, will be offered free on Amazon for the next five days starting on Wednesday, July 12 and continuing through the weekend. But hurry! This offer… Continue Reading →

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