1933, the year of the Old Faithful Plot, the alternative history thriller soon to be published by Cheops Books, LLC, was the year of three great rhetoricians in politics: FDR, Adolf Hitler, and Winston Churchill. In 1933 Adolf Hitler became… Continue Reading →
Fay Wray was the female lead in the 1933 movie King Kong. She was the lady that the monster ape took a liking to when he first set eyes on her on the island where he was king. She was… Continue Reading →
You may or may not have visited Yellowstone National Park. You may not even know that it is located in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. But that big, original western national park may be in your face one of these days… Continue Reading →
The Old Faithful Plot ends at the Old Faithful Geyser and Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park. The geyser and its regular eruptions are part of the climactic scene of the alternative history thriller novel. It’s enough to give you… Continue Reading →
There are only two types of poisonous lizards in North America, the Mexican beaded lizard and the Gila Monster. Both are found in the Southwest Desert, and one makes an appearance in Old Faithful Plot. The novel takes place in… Continue Reading →
How does Dora do it? She is always off on a journey or she is always flying from an enemy at a moment’s notice. But she has to always look like an heiress who has plenty of money for Edward’s… Continue Reading →
The Cheops Pyramid has always represented Cheops Books LLC. Why? It is a symbol of ancient Egypt and the ancient world in general and it seems mysterious, as if its meaning is always eluding you because there is always something… Continue Reading →
Hitler Strikes At Iconic US Symbol Old Faithful: Old Faithful Geyser, unlike any other on earth, erupts on a regular basis in Yellowstone National Park, perhaps every hour to ninety minutes. Ever since its discovery in the mid nineteenth century… Continue Reading →
Mysterious Old Faithful Inn: Dora and Edward dine at the iconic Old Faithful Inn when hiding out at Yellowstone National Park in 1934. The huge log structure, the biggest in the United States, is dark inside despite all its windows…. Continue Reading →
Cheops Books: Thrillers About Volcanoes: Cheops Books LLC has published a young adult thriller novel about volcanoes, Death by Volcano. It is about the Mount St. Helens eruption in Washington state. It is presented from the point of view of… Continue Reading →
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