Key to 1935: The Salisbury Plot Mrs. Michael Byrne, the former Dora Benley, is returning from Cuba on the Morro Castle when she encounters a young man she has never seen before in the dining room. He demands that she… Continue Reading →
Cruising Along Route 66 With Cheops Books: Old Faithful Plot has recently expanded to include Route 66. The Lincoln Highway began in 1913. Route 66 came later. But by 1933, the year of Edward’s and Dora’s epic journey west to… Continue Reading →
Apes of Gibraltar Play Part In Edward Ware Thrillers The infamous apes of Gibraltar that live on the rocks outside town and have done so for hundreds of years play an unexpected role in the Edward War Thrillers at War… Continue Reading →
Colonel Sir Edward Ware has hidden the Lawrence maps, key to world domination, just about everywhere in the world —- except a petrified log. He has hidden the maps in the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum. He has hidden… Continue Reading →
In Map Plot, soon to be published by Cheops Books LLC, the hero of the Edward Ware Thrillers at War Series, Lieutenant Sir Edward Ware, must undertake a spy mission to Venice for Winston Churchill. In the early 1920s Adolf… Continue Reading →
Winston Churchill was appointed Lord of the Admiralty during the Great War or the First World War in Britain. He was in charge of sending the rescue ships that never arrived on May 7, 1915 when a German torpedo sank… Continue Reading →
Mr. Winthrop Benley, father of Dora Benley, heroine of Edward Ware Thrillers at War, makes his name in the industrial Pittsburgh of the early twentieth century. He is President of Benley Tire and Rubber, later to become Benley Tire and… Continue Reading →
There must be hundreds of characters who appear in the Edward Ware Thrillers at War Series published by Cheops Books, LLC. Since each is an historical thriller the fictional characters mix and interact with real historical personages in each book…. Continue Reading →
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