Tag WW1

It’s Been 100 Years Since WW1:

It’s Been 100 Years Since WW1: It’s been 100 years since the end of World War 1. It will be official on November 11, Armistice Day, publication day for Paris Peace Plot. Of what use is it to us now?… Continue Reading →

Lawrence Rides Into Damascus And Ends the War

Lawrence Rides Into Damascus And Ends the War: 100 years ago tomorrow, October 1, T. E. Lawrence, Colonel Lawrence, and General Allenby rode into Damascus, Syria to accept the surrender of the city after defeating the Turks in the Battle… Continue Reading →

Syrians Are The Modern Phoenicians

Syrians Are The Modern Phoenicians: Russia is to blame. Either they gave chemical weapons to the Syrians or they financed it which is the same thing. I don’t think you can call whatever is going on in Syria a “civil… Continue Reading →

Ancient vs. Modern Violence: Julia: A Romance

Ancient vs. Modern Violence: Julia: A Romance: Two Cheops Books LLC editors, Gary Bennet and Kay Bognar will debate the issue of the modern versus ancient violence on Monday at 2PM on the Cheops Books Facebook Page. Gary will present… Continue Reading →

Russia And The Nerve Agent

Russia And The Nerve Agent: Where you get the idea that dysfunctional countries have all this power I have no idea except that it makes a good story. First you think North Korea is a threat. Now you think Russia… Continue Reading →

Dark 3: Special Edition Free On Kindle

Dark 3: Special Edition Free On Kindle: Dark 3: Special Edition will be free on Kindle for the next five days. Pick up your copy now of the third volume of the Dark Series by Dora Benley. This new Special… Continue Reading →

Promotions for The Old Faithful Plot

Promotions for The Old Faithful Plot: One thing to consider about The Old Faithful Plot: I think that if the news media wasn’t so obsessed with the North Korean leader he would do a lot less harm. No wonder he… Continue Reading →

Moralistic Writers Like Dickens And Eliot

Moralistic Writers Like Dickens And Eliot: Actually moralistic as writers like Dickens and George Eliot were, they were a lot more enlightened and humanistic in their world view than the generations of writers to come after them, especially the ones… Continue Reading →

Edward Ware Thrillers at War in History

Edward Ware Thrillers at War in History: Edward Ware Thrillers at War discusses themes of British and German history. I don’t think England ever had anything like the Thirty Years War in Germany, the big bad religious war between Catholics… Continue Reading →

Remember the Lusitania! America Enters WW1

Remember the Lusitania America Enters WW1: One hundred years ago on April 6, 1917 America declared war on Germany and entered the Great War, the First World War, or World War 1. Dora has been reading missives from her fiance,… Continue Reading →

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