On The Road Again By Cheops Books LLC: Salisbury

What on earth is going on here? It is two days later, Friday, March 16, when I finally read this breaking news from Europe about the Skripal poisoning in Salisbury. Cheops Books LLC visited Salisbury, England in 2012. There is a photo on the refrigerator right now snapped in front of Salisbury Cathedral. It seems like so many terrorist like things have occurred all over Europe since we last visited in 2015. We have asked our local Russian expert. He says that just because it was an attack by Russians doesn’t mean it was ordered by Putin. Putin is not in charge of everything that goes on in his government. But what good does imposing sanctions do? Attacks of all sorts just go on and on. Inevitably you realize that the West has been propping up the Putin government so that they are not faced with chaos in Eastern Europe that could affect Western Europe.

But is also raises the question of travel in Europe. It just does not seem safe anymore. It especially is disillusioning when somebody attacks a site that you personally have visited. That brings home the level of danger like nothing else can. Cheops Books LLC is getting ready to publish Salisbury Affair, the second volume of the Edward Ware Thrillers at War novels. Big scenes occur at Salisbury Cathedral which is pictured on the cover of the thriller. Perhaps we should include a footnote or afterword in the novel that discusses this decisive event.