Wild Colors But Practical: Vera Bradley euro wallet in summer cottage
Last summer I bought this Vera Bradley euro wallet in the summer cottage design to go to Europe on the Queen Mary 2. Why? Obviously because most American wallets don’t fit euro bills. I knew I was going to have a problem fitting this new currency in my old wallet when I went to the local bank here in Tucson, Arizona and got $5000.00 in euros to take with me. They came in different sizes unlike American dollars which are all the same size no matter if they are a one dollar bill or a twenty or a one hundred. The wallet has a very high “back” and I could tuck my bills down tightly, the ones that my husband didn’t have in his own euro wallet. The card slots were a tight fit. They could have been slightly larger. My driver’s license fit nicely into the window. The zippered outside pocket is supposed to be for coins. It won’t fit many, which is why I bought a separate Vera Bradley coin purse. What did I put in the zippered back? A souvenir from Germany of course! I picked up some rocks at the Zeppelin Field Rally Grounds in Nuremberg and carried them back to America thanks to Vera Bradley.
Tip: The brand Vera Bradley is wild for my tastes.
Second note: I took this wallet to Europe last summer. Boy did I stick out! Most of the Germans and Austrians wore dark, conservative colors. This wallet made me look like a flower garden. And to think, Amazon sells a whole collection of Vera Bradley wallets, coin purses, purses, duffels, totes, and everything you could imagine. The thieves would really know I was an American just like the guy in the Hawaiian shirt.