Continuing Conflicts From Ancient Rome:

l1000609The evils and suffering for which they are guilty down through the centuries? Come on now! That is several hundred years in the past and has nothing to do with Catholics nowadays. Also any of the European countries are guilty of all sorts of misdeeds, now aren’t they? Who is pointing a finger at who? In England Henry VIII when he was setting up his Anglican Church burned and destroyed all sorts of monasteries and cathedrals, now didn’t he? He and Elizabeth persecuted Catholics. He even destroyed papers and records, too. Apparently even nowadays the monarch can’t marry a Catholic even though it is way, way out of date.
One of the worst wars in European history if not the worst, the 30 Years War in Germany between Catholics and Protestants,
did not involve just Catholics. It involved Protestants, too. All these religious wars were what America was founded upon and freedom of religion. Thomas Jefferson was the first one to come up with the Statute of Religious Freedom in Virginia. It was passed into law in 1777 in Fredericksburg, Virginia and disestablished the Church of England in Virginia and gave freedom even to Jews. It foreshadowed the First Amendment to the Constitution.
