Winston Churchill And The British Brexit:
I have no idea why England got itself involved in this nonsense to begin with. It seems inconceivable to an American how you could give away your national sovereignty to foreign powers, especially those that very recently were your enemies in WW2. It makes people in England seem as if they had lost their wits. To say that Brussels is going to make laws for you sounds as if you are saying that England doesn’t exist anymore.
Who won the war anyway? To rid yourself of such a ridiculous situation even if it adversely affects the economy, you should put yourself back on a wartime footing. You made it during WW2. You need to do it again if that is what it takes to save England.
The United States wouldn’t be able to join an organization like the EU. If it did, western Europe minus England would become US territories like American Samoa. They would not have euros. They would have American dollars like people who live in American Samoa. In other words it would be like the Romans. There would be a modern day empire where the Continent had been made part of the American empire. There would certainly be no commands issued from Brussels to Washington!!! America is the one that has military bases in Germany and not the other way around.
England has to decide whether it wants to be a partner with the US as a victor in WW2 or a subject state of the Germans including those in Belgium who are part German themselves.
The Germans are the real enemies, not the Russians. Why do you think the Americans and British were spying on Merkel??? What would Winston Churchill have to say?”