Edward Ware Thrillers Alternative History:
Come and explore the Cheops Books LLC website: https://edwardwarethrillers.org. Now we have a new category of Edward Ware Thrillers novels: Alternative History. All together that makes five categories of Edward Ware Thrillers imprints: 1) Classics such as Julia: A Romance 2)young adult YA novels such as Murder on Spirit Island 3) Edward Ware Thrillers at War such as Paris Peace Plot 4)Edward Ware Thrillers Ancestors such as Pliny: A Thriller and now 5)Edward Ware Thrillers Alternative History such as Dark Horse and Old Faithful Plot.
In Dark Horse what would happen if Hitler won the Battle of Dunkirk? Colonel Sir Edward Ware is about to find out when Rommel pushes him off the French beach with all his troops and then beats him to Britain in 1940. The chase ends up in Coronado, California, land of palm trees, the rich and famous — and swastikas!
It’s all ahead to the Republican Convention of 1940 in Philadelphia where a dark horse candidate is being selected with major international complications and plenty of Nazi involvement in this alternative history thriller.