Cheops Books LLC has just received a new review for Hitler’s Chief Spy on Amazon. Eric Ridenour left the following statement:
Talk about a captivating read! Right out the gate, Hitler’s Chief Spy gets into the action with a woman attempting to leave the country over a spy love affair, which immediately turns into a kidnapping! So many books you have to get 100 pages in before getting to the action, not so with this one. In fact, this novel is so action-packed, it is almost overwhelming with the volume of information to take in in the first 10% of the book. At first, I was a bit annoyed and confused, as a speed reader, I can take in a book in an afternoon if I choose, not so with this one. Like a hot cup of coffee, Dora Benley makes you slowly sip the information until it cools down. By the time things cool down, you are deep into the story and can’t put it down. Think the classy tuxedo spy of James Bond, but in World War 2 Germany, with a mix of Indiana Jones-style adventure with tales of lies, kidnapping and deceit, forged maps and a race to the final point. Very historically accurate, I was genuinely impressed, it is hard to put down.
The villainess, Helga von Wessel, Hitler’s chief spy, struts boldly from page to page of this thriller with Europe at her back and all sorts of ambitious notions in her head during the lead up to WW2. As far as she is concerned it isn’t Hitler’s Reich. It is Helga’s Reich. She will wrap the hero, Colonel Sir Edward Ware, Churchill’s spy, around her little finger to prove it. Nor does it matter what Edward’s American wife, Dora, says. Hitler’s Chief Spy is the fifth volume of the Edward Ware Thrillers at War Series.