The Armistice Plot To Be Published Next Year:
The Battle of Damascus at the end of the First World War was the final and conclusive battle in the Mesopotamian Theater of the war as illustrated in The Armistice Plot. It was not a theater of the war in which Americans were participating. It was a British show under General Allenby and Lawrence of Arabia. But after Lawrence drove into town, the Turks were ready to surrender and sign the Armistice.
As part of next year’s commemoration of the end of World War 1, Cheops Books LLC is publishing not only Paris Peace Plot to commemorate the Paris Peace Conference at the end of the war, it will be publishing The Armistice Plot also about Lawrence of Arabia’s greatest triumph, its lead up, and its aftermath.
Edward Ware starts the novel meeting his greatest adversary, the future Helga von Wessel, as a tomb robber stealing artifacts from his excavation at Carchemish. The situation in the Middle East heats up. The Arabs revolt. The British fight the Turks. But Helga always manages to get in his way trying to steal the maps drawn by Edward’s commanding officer, Lawrence of Arabia.
It doesn’t even matter that Helga gets thrown into jail at the end of the Battle of Damascus. She is back again after the war spying for the future Adolf Hitler. Many of her fellow confederates from the war in the Middle East have gone Nazi.
The cover for The Armistice Plot will be ready soon.