Tag Donald Trump

Dora and Edward Never Got Caught In A Passport Flap

Chasing around on the ground in Europe and America in the 30s and 40s Dora and Edward Ware, agents for Churchill, never got caught in a passport flap at the border that interrupted their travels, delayed them, etc the way… Continue Reading →

The Special Relationship: US and Britain

Prime Minister May is making her first visit to the United States to visit President Donald Trump who was inaugurated only one week ago today. She made a speech to a Pennsylvania audience about the “special relationship” between America and… Continue Reading →

Britain and USA Join Together: Trump and May

Malcolm Blair Robinson has written a wonderful blog today summing up the Trump experience this past weekend with the inauguration and the new move to meet with the new PM, May, this coming week. We have the next move toward… Continue Reading →

Edward Ware, the Male Chauvinist Pig

Today all around the world the day after the Inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, there were supposedly protest marches. What were they protesting? Apparently Trump’s perceived male chauvinism. But Old Faithful Plot and other titles in the Edward… Continue Reading →

1933: Era of Rhetoricians

1933, the year of the Old Faithful Plot, the alternative history thriller soon to be published by Cheops Books, LLC, was the year of three great rhetoricians in politics: FDR, Adolf Hitler, and Winston Churchill. In 1933 Adolf Hitler became… Continue Reading →

John Kerry Never Heard Of Titus

John Kerry Never Heard of Titus: John Kerry, in an attempt to rankle the incoming President Elect Donald Trump, issued one of the most uneducated, unconsidered statements that I have ever heard a politician make in this country when he… Continue Reading →

Make America Great Again? When Was She Anything Else!

Dora Benley’s father, Winthrop Benley, was a Pittsburgh Industrialist one hundred years ago and also a good friend of Teddy Roosevelt, the Rough Rider. In those days he never thought that America should involve itself much in European affairs. They… Continue Reading →

Trump Should Be Sculpted In Marble

Donald Trump should take a tip from his ancient forebearer, Marcus Licinius Crassus, the billionaire real estate tycoon of Late Republican Rome. Instead of having his picture taken or even painted as more modern Presidents did, he should have his… Continue Reading →

Donald Trump and Marcus Crassus: A Perfect Look-Alike?

Donald Trump is supposed to be German on his father’s side and Scottish on his mother’s side. the Germans repelled the Romans in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9AD. The Romans never reached Scotland. But still Marcus Crassus,… Continue Reading →

How Donald Trump Helped Marcus Crassus Become The President Of the United States

During the late Roman Republic Marcus Crassus was a Roman billionaire with all sorts of real estate investments everywhere in the ancient city with one million people. All sorts of anecdotes abound such as the one that he would send… Continue Reading →

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