24 Hours Until Facebook Party For Salisbury Affair: 24 hours until the Facebook Party for Salisbury Affair. See you tomorrow at 2PM for the debate about atrocities in Salisbury, England. What is worse, Hitler’s plot to sabotage Dora’s and Edward’s… Continue Reading →
You are invited to the Facebook Party for Salisbury Affair at 2PM on Friday, May 4. We are going to hold a debate between two historians debating the issue of Hitler vs. Putin. The escapade in the novel is created… Continue Reading →
Trump Listened To Only Half Of Crassus’s Advice: Marcus Licinius Crassus was friends with the greatest military general of all times, Gaius Julius Caesar. So he ought to know what he was talking about when he gave advice to Donald… Continue Reading →
A Peter The Great Move Needed: Yes, supposedly Trump is now expelling Russian diplomats from the US. Although it is “showy” and captures news headlines, how is it going to harm Moscow or change Moscow? Even if they broke off… Continue Reading →
If I Were May Or Trump: If I were May I would not stop making a point to the Russians until the point is actually made. You cannot have Russia attacking England with chemical weapons and endangering innocent civilians in… Continue Reading →
Salisbury Incident: The American fake news is not at fault here. This Salisbury incident has gotten sparse coverage here just because America is so isolationist and it didn’t happen here. Cheops Books LLC is interested only because we visited Salisbury… Continue Reading →
How To End Putin’s Dictatorship: Frankly I think that is shocking. I would not call Putin and congratulate him on anything right about now. You cannot allow the use of chemical weapons in modern day societies especially in time of… Continue Reading →
Crackdown On The Russians: I am forwarding an article from National Review that Gary read to me last night about the Russians. This says that Cameron when he was PM was trying to get rid of anonymous real estate investments… Continue Reading →
Is May Right In Blaming The Russian Government? It depends what you think of as the “Russian government”. Is the government just Putin? Or does it include the top generals and other influential people like the Mayor of Moscow? This… Continue Reading →
On The Road Again By Cheops Books LLC: Salisbury What on earth is going on here? It is two days later, Friday, March 16, when I finally read this breaking news from Europe about the Skripal poisoning in Salisbury. Cheops… Continue Reading →
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