How To Write A Damn Good Novel by James N. Frey: Read Chapter 8 First 12/21/12
The author’s best advice comes in chapter 8: Rewriting. He advises aspiring novelists to join a “destructive group” that will tear your novel apart. That way you’ll get ideas how to rewrite it and make it better. He even gives advice to those who don’t have a “destructive group” and must make do with their friends — or even just themselves — as critics. And that advice is valuable. You might not think of it yourself.
But still I don’t know how anyone will ever learn to write by reading books on how to write. The other chapters about characterization, conflict, viewpoint, etc. are just amusing because of the author’s no-nonsense style as illustrated by the author’s first paragraph in chapter 1 where he compares creating characters to a bricklayer and a carpenter building a house. The style is just plain entertaining.
Facebook: I should go into the business of writing entertaining books about writing books.