Cruise Mates Posting July 6th Crossing: My July 6 Crossing on QM2 Was Gothic: 12/22/12
The noon report said that we had cleared the Grand Banks of Newfoundland at 8:00AM this morning. We were skirting the Flemish Cap and were 100 miles E of the Grand Banks. It was Monday, July 9 and we were on West Greenland Summer Time. But the night before had been like nothing I’d ever experienced in my life. I wrote in my trip journal:”The noise in this cabin is incredible. The wind is howling outside, rattling the glass, and whistling. It’s enough to drive you crazy. I wasn’t anticipating something like this in July at all. I thought this was the best weather of the year. If it isn’t, when is?” The whole experience of being out in the North Atlantic with fog closing in on you can’t be compared to land. Neither can being thrown forward on your toes when the ship rolls. But for us it was transportation to Europe since we don’t like jets. That single consideration made it well worth it, especially the Cunard shore excursion in Southampton to Stonehenge, Salisbury, and the New Forest which turned out to be the most Gothic place on earth (the ship itself sounded a little Gothic and spooky, didn’t it?)