No Third International Third Reich THIRD TERM

The Third International was an organization sponsored by the Soviet Union to promote international revolution. The Third Reich was ruled by Hitler. The Third Term was what FDR was seeking in 1940. It was a pretty powerful protest and pretty serious too all for one little political pin worn by those who supported Republican candidate Wendell Willkie. He was the “Dark Horse Candidate” who gave his name to the political thriller, the alternative history thriller, being published by Cheops Books LLC tomorrow on Election Day 2016.

Oddly enough Election 2016 has odd parallels to the election in 1940. The Clintons are also seeking a third term just as FDR did. The only difference is that in 1940 it was permitted by law and left up to the judgement of the candidate. Since World War 2 it has been outlawed.

Other odd parallels include the fact that the Republican delegation in Philadelphia that nominated Willkie at first wanted to nominate a woman named Dorothy Detzer from Pittsburgh for President. She was a female Dewey who wanted peace at any cost. (She may have been the inspiration for the famous Star Trek episode). In addition Wendell Willkie was a businessman with no previous political experience, just like Donald Trump.

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