Why Do The Germans Allow the Zeppelin Field To Fall Apart? 10/4/12
We were shocked to discover the dilapidated state of the Zeppelin Field on the periphery of Nuremberg. There were signs warning tourists that climbing on the stands was at their own risk. There were few safety rails, and the stands were in terrible shape. At least the stands with the podium where Hitler spoke during Nuremberg rallies in the 1930’s was in a little better shape. But the stands where the citizens of Nuremberg sat where so overgrown with grass and weeds as to be unrecognizable.
Just as bad, the stands where people listened to Hitler were cut off from the speakers stand by a road and an athletic field. It’s hard to appreciate the unit as a whole.
Considering how well Germans usually maintain buildings, why have these been allowed to go to ruin? Sis it really just because of the German disillusionment with the National Socialist leader who lost the big war? Or is it more complicated than that?