What To Do About The Bad Russians?

Amazing show of solidarity organized by May and the British — throwing out all those Russian diplomats and Russians who are also spies all over the world in lots of different countries. It looks good on the news. But I wish they could do something of more lasting substance. Owning 20% of a Russian state monopoly can’t do much besides help support the bad guy Russian government. Gazprom and Gazpromneft are gas and oil companies that produce the money for the state to operate on. They would never let Britain decide anything. Maybe Europe should close down all gas stations operated by Russians.

Cheops Books LLC concerns itself with troublesome Russians in the upcoming thriller Unlocking Trinity, an Edward Ware Thrillers at War novel.

The Ware’s little girl has been kidnapped by Hitler and forced to live with him at the Berghof. But when Hitler commits suicide in his Berlin Bunker on April 30, 1945, what happens to the child who has been indoctrinated as a Nazi, who has forgotten that English is her native language?

Her biological father, General Lord Edward Ware, must defy Eisenhower’s order to leave Berlin to the Russians. He must get to her before Stalin’s henchwoman does. It becomes a race to Trinity in the wilds of New Mexico in the birth trauma of the Cold War.